Lenten Series
What animates a Jesuit parish?
A Lenten Series -St. Ignatius Mission and Sacred Heart Arlee
Wednesday Evenings, March 12, 19, 26, and April 2
5:30pm - Stations of the Cross
6:00pm - Soup and Bread (Pot Luck Style)
6:30pm - Lenten Series
Week 1 - Showing the Way to God - St. Ignatius Mission, March 12
Show the way to God through the Spiritual Exercise and discernment
Week 2 - Walking with the Excluded - Sacred Heart Arlee, March 19
Walk with the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated, in a mission of reconciliation and justice
Week 3 - Journeying with Youth - St. Ignatius Mission, March 26
Accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future
Week 4 - Caring for our Common Home- Sacred Heart Arlee, April 2
Collaborate, with Gospel depth, for the protection and renewal of God’s Creation
“These pillars give a horizon, a point of reference to the whole of Jesuit ministries. They capture our imaginations and awaken our desires. They unite us in our mission.”

Parish Wide Reconciliation Service

Mardi Gras Party
Lent is just around the corner and St. Ignatius Mission will be holding a Mardi Gras celebration. The party will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday March, 4. There will be a potluck for supper, music, games and King Cake. Please bring your favorite dish to share. All are welcome to join in the family fun. If you are interested in volunteering with preparations or clean up, please contact Monica Otter at 701-341-0702 or monicaotter@aol.com.

Family Faith Formation
We invite the whole family to join us this Sunday for a crab and learning about our Catholic faith. We will meet at 10:30am in the Social hall.

Family Faith Formation
Join us this Sunday, February 9, 2025 for the first Family Faith Formation. We will be meeting at St. Ignatius Mission Social Hall at 10:30am. Bring your family and friends to learn about the beauty of our faith.
For more information please contact Mayra at mmartinez@stignatiusmission.org or (406) 745-2768.

Married Couples - Reflection and Mass
This is open to all couples of our parish. Please RSVP with Fr. Victor through email at vcancino@stignatiusmission.org. The event begins with lunch at noon and will conclude by 4pm, at Sacred Heart Church in Arlee.

Bingo Night
Come enjoy a lively family night of bingo, delicious dinner, and exciting prizes to win! Don’t forget to bring a friend to join in the fun!
Where: Sacred Heart Church, 72249 Fyant St, Arlee, MT 59821

New Years Eve Mass & Party
Join us on December 31 at 6pm in St. Ignatius Mission for our annual New
Year's eve Potluck party. We will have board games, Rockin Eve Bingo and a Rockin eve photo booth!
Bring your family, friends and a tasty dish to share!
Mass at 5pm & New Years Eve Party at 6pm.

Annointing of the Sick
St. Ignatius Mission after 9Am & 5pm Mass.
Sacred Heart Church after 11:30am Mass.

Christmas Carols & Festival
Join us for Christmas Carols, crafts and picture booth with the Grinch!
An event for the whole family!
4:30pm - 5pm: We will go around the neighborhood and sing Christmas Carols for the community.
5PM - 6:30PM - We will have ornament making, refreshments, gingerbread house making and photos with the Grinch.

Christmas Festival
Join us for an event for the whole family. We will have dinner, Nativity play, ornament making and we will have a picture booth set up to take a picture with the Grinch! Don't miss out!
5:30PM Nativity Play
6:00PM Dinner
6:30PM Ornament Making, Gingerbread house making & pictures with the Grinch!

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass
Join us in celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! Mass will be in Spanish at St. Ignatius Mission at 6pm.

Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion Mass
Schedule of Mass Times:
12pm Mass at Sacred Heart Church - Arlee
6PM Mass at St. Ignatius Mission

A Christmas Concert for the Community
St. Ignatius invites you to a Christmas Concert for the community featuring the Cazan Duo.
In program works by: Handel, Schubert, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Christmas Carols sing-along
Claudius Cazan - violin Clementa Cazan German - piano

Thanksgiving Day Mass
Join us for mass on Thanksgiving day at 9am at St. Ignatius Mission.

All Saints Mass
Join is celebrating our Saint on November 1st at St. Ignatius Mission. We will be offering mass at 7:15am and 6pm.

Halloween Festival
Get ready for a spook-tacular time!
Join us at the Halloween Festival on Oct 30, 4:30-7:00 PM at St. Ignatius Mission, 300 Beartrack Ave.
Enjoy bingo, games, prizes, and a costume contest for all ages! Wear a costume and bring a friend for a howling good time!

Women's Faith Sharing Group
Join us in sharing a wonderful night of Sisterhood as we share and discuss the Sunday’s gospel. The next meeting will be Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 6:30pm at St. Ignatius Church rectory. Bring a friend and a snack to share.

Rosary Making
Join us in celebrating the Rosary month. You and your children will learn to make a rosary and to pray the rosary. We will provide Rosary kits for children and adults. ALL FREE!
Rosaries will be made after masses. Here is a schedule of masses:
9AM and 5pm Mass at St. Ignatius Mission
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Arlee.

Blessing of the Animals
Hello friends, it’s that time of year where we celebrate St. Francis of Assisi feast day by blessing all of our furry pals. We will be blessing animals on Sunday, October 6 at all the Masses. We invite you to bring your animals…..dogs, cats,horses, chickens, etc!

Vacation Bible Camp - St. Ignatius MIssion
Hello friends! It’s that time of year…Vacation Bible Camp! For children between the ages of K-4th grade. We will have games, crafts, prayer, and tons of fun! The dates are as follows:
St. Ignatius Mission: August 14-16 from 10am - 3pm.
You can register by clicking on the link below.

Potluck Picnic - St. John Berchman's Jocko
Join us this Sunday 7/21 at St. John Berchmans Jocko for a picnic. Bring a dish to share, bring a friend and bring your own chair. See you there.

Kateri Tekakwetha Feast Day
Sunday, July 14 is the feast day of St. Kateri Tekakwetha. Celebrate with us by wearing your ribbon skirts and ribbon shirts.

Parish Picnic at St. Ignatius Mission
Saturday July 13 we will have the parish picnic at St. Ignatius Mission. We will have delicious food, a bouncy house and wonderful community time. Invite your friend, neighbors and family. Please bring your favorite (salad A-M, veggies N-R dessert S-Z) to share.

Sunday Mass at Arlee Powwow
Join us in celebrating Sunday mass at the Arlee Powwow grounds. Bring your own chair. The address is:
Arlee Pow Pow Wow Rd, Arlee, MT 59821

Spring Concert for the Community
Spring Concert for the Community
Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 5pm.
St. Ignatius Mission, 300 Beartrack Ave, St. Ignatius, MT 59865

One Voice - Crown of the Continent Choir
Sunday April 21st 2024 @ 2:00 PM
Al donations from this FREE program wil go towards the restoration of the St. Ignatius Mission.

Palm Sunday
Join us for Palm Sunday Mass.
9am & 5pm at St. Ignatius Mission
11:30am at Sacred Heart Arlee

Holy Week Schedule
We invite you to all our Holy Week services. Please see the flyer with times and dates. We are excited to have you join us.

Ash Wednesday Masses
7:15am & 7:15pm at St. Ignatius Mission
5:00pm Sacred Heart Church in Arlee