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Lenten Series

What animates a Jesuit parish?

A Lenten Series  -St. Ignatius Mission and Sacred Heart Arlee

Wednesday Evenings, March 12, 19, 26, and April 2

5:30pm - Stations of the Cross

6:00pm - Soup and Bread (Pot Luck Style)

6:30pm - Lenten Series

Week 1 - Showing the Way to God - St. Ignatius Mission, March 12

Show the way to God through the Spiritual Exercise and discernment 

Week 2 - Walking with the Excluded - Sacred Heart Arlee, March 19

Walk with the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated, in a mission of reconciliation and justice

Week 3 - Journeying with Youth - St. Ignatius Mission, March 26

Accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future

Week 4 - Caring for our Common Home- Sacred Heart Arlee, April 2

Collaborate, with Gospel depth, for the protection and renewal of God’s Creation

“These pillars give a horizon, a point of reference to the whole of Jesuit ministries. They capture our imaginations and awaken our desires.  They unite us in our mission.”

March 5

Ash Wednesday

April 6

Parish Wide Reconciliation Service